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what the....? :(

I woke up and everything was ok, but about an hour ago I felt with my tongue sth strange on the lower lip... it looks like cold sore, it’s already burst (i’m not sure about the word).
Where did i catch it? I don’t know. Yeaterday in the evening it wasn’t there... My immune system is good, i eat only healthy and home-made food....
I have no option but to spread my lip with honey (earlier it helped). What else can I do about it?
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Как это будет выглядеть?
Страна Мам what the....? :(
I woke up and everything was ok, but about an hour ago I felt with my tongue sth strange on the lower lip... it looks like cold sore, it’s already burst (i’m not sure about the word).
Where did i catch it? I don’t know. Yeaterday in the evening it wasn’t there... My immune system is good, i eat only healthy and home-made food... Читать полностью


27 июня 2010 года
try Aciclovir
barsuk2 (автор поста)
27 июня 2010 года
thanks! but to buy it here in Poland I need to go to the doctor first, I can’t buy it without prescription
27 июня 2010 года
I hope you will not rob a drugstore..
27 июня 2010 года
В ответ на комментарий barsuk2
thanks! but to buy it here in Poland I need to go to the doctor first, I can’t buy it without prescription

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I use honey to go out and toothpaste at home while nobody sees me
28 июня 2010 года
А можно с переводом? ну пожалуйста...

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