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Hot Sunday

Hot Sunday Tomorrow (or today
)is Sunday, but I have got a great deal of work to do.
What exactly must I cope with:
1. Do washing (hand-washing to be precise)
2. Declutter my room and what’s more important my kitchen!
3. To take care of my feet and legs (but I thing that it’ll be possible only in the evening)
4. To pack my suitcase.
5. To prepare lesson for my Student for Monday.
6. To make pancakes, and marrow paste (I’m not sure that i translated well), soup with sorrel and eggs and rolls with eggs and spring onion (or green onion - whatever you like), to make a hmmmmmmm, i’m in a trouble, I don’t know how to translate компот ( One good person prompted me that компот is punch) one new word into my vocabulary box
7. I must make out a present for my mom’s birthday
8. to read my thesis
9. to do vacuum
10. of course dusting and mopping... (hate this)
11. to do my routines
12. Well, I quite forgot about my CV!!! Today I MUST!!! HAVE TO!!! finish writing it and send them.
In the morning this list may be added...
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Как это будет выглядеть?
Страна Мам Hot Sunday
  Tomorrow (or today )is Sunday, but I have got a great deal of work to do.
What exactly must I cope with:
1. Do washing (hand-washing to be precise)
2. Declutter my room and what’s more important my kitchen!
3. To take care of my feet and legs (but I thing that it’ll be possible only in the evening)
4. To pack my suitcase.
5. To prepare lesson for my Student for Monday. Читать полностью


27 июня 2010 года
barsuk пишет:
I don’t know how to translate компот
компот - punch
barsuk2 (автор поста)
27 июня 2010 года
спасибо а punch это не с алкоголем?
вообще знала только, что punch это дырокол
27 июня 2010 года
пунши разные бывают, в том числе и без алкоголя. А принцип приготовления, это как раз вареные фрукты и ягоды...

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