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Шапочка с ажуром

Sizes: adult small (adult medium/large)

Yarn: Cascade Yarns 220 Superwash Sport (100% Superwash Merino Wool; 136 yards [125 meters]/50 grams); #220 Spring Green - two skeins (both sizes)

A closer look at the lace.
Needles: One 16" circular needle in size US 5, one 16" circular needle in size US 6, and one set of double pointed needles (dpn), also in size US 6

Notions: Tapestry needle, 3 stitch markers

Gauge: 22 stitches = 4 inches in stockinette on size US 6 needles

Which brings us to the hat! To begin, then, using your size US 5 circular needle, cast on 112 (120) stitches loosely, place marker, and join in round. Then we’ll work some ribbing, as follows:

Ribbing Row: * k1, p1; rep from *

Knit this ribbing row until piece measures roughly 2" (both sizes). Transfer work to your size US 6 circular needle. Then, we’ll knit one marker placement row, as follows. Instructions for the larger size follow those for the smaller size in parentheses.

Marker Placement Row: k40, place marker, k31, place marker, knit until end of row (k44, place marker, k31, place marker, knit until end of row)

Knit this row, and then we’ll begin to incorporate our pattern, which is Vine Lace from page 218 of Barbara G. Walker’s A Treasury of Knitting Patterns. Anyway, we’ll continue like so. Notice that the instructions are the same for both sizes.

Row 1: knit until you reach first marker, slip marker, k3, (yo, k2, ssk, k2tog, k2, yo, k1) three times, k1, slip marker, knit until end of round

Row 2: knit, slipping extra markers when you reach them

Row 3: knit until you reach first marker, slip marker, k2, (yo, k2, ssk, k2tog, k2, yo, k1) three times, k2, slip marker, knit until end of round

Row 4: knit, slipping extra markers when you reach them

Knit rows 1 - 4 until hat measures roughly 9" (10" ) and you’ve just knit row 1 or row 3 of the pattern. Knit one more row around, removing extra markers as you do so. Then, transfer work to your dpns, and we’ll execute the decrease, as follows:

Decrease Row 1: * k2tog; rep from * (56 (60) stitches remaining)

Decrease Row 2: * k2tog * (28 (30) stitches remaining)

Decrease Row 3: * k2tog * (14 (15) stitches remaining)

Clip yarn tail, thread through final 14 (15) stitches, and pull tight. Thread to inside of hat and knot; tuck in ends.
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Страна Мам Шапочка с ажуром
  Sizes: adult small (adult medium/large)
Yarn: Cascade Yarns 220 Superwash Sport (100% Superwash Merino Wool; 136 yards [125 meters]/50 grams); #220 Spring Green - two skeins (both sizes)
A closer look at the lace.
Needles: One 16" circular needle in size US 5, one 16" circular needle in size US 6, and one set of double pointed needles (dpn), also in size US 6 Читать полностью


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